416 합창단과 유가족 그리고 세월호 희생자들을 기억하는 모든 이들을 위해 만든 곡입니다.
This song was made for the 416 Choir, the bereaved families, and all the others who remember the victims of the Sewol ferry.

Lyrics by Lee Namsil
Composed by Lee Beomjun
Sung by 416 Choir
-태어난 날 처음 잡던 손
I took your hands the first day you were born
-목소리를 알아듣던 너
You recognized my voice
-세 살 적 기차 창에 매달려 세상을 바라보던 너
At 3, you peered at the world through the train window.
-일곱 살 벚꽃을 보며
At 7, you gazed at the cherry blossoms
-팝콘이 터진다고 말하던 너
You said that popcorn was popping!
-열 살 적 같이 본 노을
At 10, we watched the sunset together.
-엄마 늙지 말라 하던 너
You said, “Mom, don’t age.”
-날마다 고마웠어
I thank you everyday
-매순간 사랑했어
I loved you every moment
-날마다 고마웠어
I thank you everyday
-매순간 사랑했어
I loved you every moment
-열두살 깁스를 하고선
At 12, you wore a cast
-싸인을 해보라던 너
And asked me to sign it
-열넷 은행잎 주워
At 14, you collected ginkgo leaves
-선물이라고 내밀던 너
You gave them to me as a gift
-열여섯 방문을 닫고
At 16, you shut your door
-음악을 크게 틀던 너
You played the music loudly
-열여덟 수학여행 간다고
At 18, you were going on a school trip
-짐 싸며 들떠있던 너
You were excited while packing
-날마다 고마웠어
I thank you everyday
-매 순간 사랑했어
I loved you every moment
-날마다 고마웠어
I thankyou everyday
-매 순간 사랑했어
I loved you every moment
-날마다 고마웠어
I thank you everyday
-매 순간 사랑했어
I loved you every moment
-날마다 고마웠어
I thank you everyday
-매 순간 사랑했어
I loved you every moment
-날마다 고마웠어
I thank you everyday
-매 순간 사랑했어
I loved you every moment
-날마다 고마웠어
I thank you everyday
-매 순간 사랑했어
I loved you every moment
-날마다 고마웠어
I thank you everyday
-매 순간 사랑했어
I loved you every moment
-매 순간 사랑했어
I loved you every moment